Implement This Strategy To Transform Your Sales Like Never Before.

If you stick with this content and put it into action, it will transform your sales like never before.

Let me introduce you to a special fish called the remora. This fish isn’t a strong swimmer, so it needs a clever trick to survive: it attaches itself to big sea creatures like sharks, whales, and dolphins. Think of it like someone moving to a new city and staying with a friend until they can get their own place.

But here’s the twist, the remora doesn’t just hang around for a short while. It thrives by using these powerful animals for survival. The remora has a unique feature on its back that looks like a suction cup, similar to the ones we use to stick things on the fridge. This suction cup allows it to attach itself to the bigger animals, hitching a ride as they travel through the ocean.

Imagine kids in remote areas jumping on the back of cars for free rides, now you get the picture. That’s exactly what this fish does. Once attached to the larger animal, the remora gets to travel effortlessly without tiring itself out from swimming too much. And guess what? The big sea creatures don’t mind at all! In fact, the remora helps them by cleaning their skin and eating pesky bugs.

In return, the remora also benefits from the scraps of food that fall from the big animals’ hunts. It’s a perfect example of a symbiotic relationship, both benefit from each other without stress.

Now, what’s the sales strategy here?

Folake, can you connect your business to the “big boys” in your industry?

There’s no need for unhealthy competition when you can collaborate for mutual benefit. Imagine you’re selling chin chin through your social media platforms. What if you take things up a notch by packaging your products professionally, getting the necessary registrations, and plugging them into big supermarkets where they can be seen by more people?

If you’re currently selling 10 packs a day, your sales could jump to 50 or more, simply because more eyes are on your products.

Or let’s say you offer security services. Why not partner with a big event management company in your area? When they have events, you’d be their go-to security provider, ensuring a steady stream of work.

In business, you often make more money when you can plug your business into a larger, established system within your industry.

Important note: Just like the remora provides value to the big sea creatures, you must also bring value to the “big boys” in your industry. Don’t approach them without something beneficial to offer in return.

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