Here’s One Simple Strategy I Use to Always Achieve My Business Goals

Many people follow me, but not all take the time to fully understand my approach or pay attention to my strategy. If you closely study my methods, you’ll find they can be replicated to achieve similar results.


I used to have a coach, someone Chioma and I both looked up to, though she’s no longer with us. I’ve spoken about her before. Her teaching style was primarily observational, and we learned a lot just by watching her.


She was incredibly focused on retail offers and was a strong advocate of the $1 strategy, believing it was her calling to serve the masses. Her offers were straightforward, targeting a wide audience, and they worked. She didn’t complicate things, and yet the simplicity brought in extraordinary numbers.


Chioma and I learned well from her. We observed, implemented, and saw results. We stuck with that strategy for a while, but eventually evolved beyond it.


One thing I do that many people might not have noticed is that I always have a roadmap. In January 2023, I made a post outlining my roadmap for the year ahead. I started with a low-ticket visibility webinar and, within weeks of marketing, made over 9,000 solid sales.


From there, I moved on to pushing my DSI (Digital Strategy Intensive), and then shifted focus to hosting fairs. This roadmap led me to a highly successful year.


As I entered 2024, I announced my roadmap once again, this time, it included hitting nine cities across two countries with fairs. It may have seemed like a bold goal, but today, it’s a reality. We’re just one city away from closing the year.


Folake, do you have a roadmap?

What was your roadmap for 2023? What is your roadmap for 2024?


The year is almost over. In just a few weeks, we’ll be saying goodbye to 2024 and welcoming 2025.


What’s your roadmap for 2025?


Without a roadmap, you won’t achieve as much as you could. Your roadmap acts as a guide, a lamp to your feet, and a light to your path. It gives your business direction.


So today, no long talk, go and create your 2025 roadmap for your business.


And by the way, are you ready for the Abuja Fair? Get ready! It will be an event to remember, and I believe it will all end in praise.

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